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- Date:2025年02月21日
Ozone treatment, can chlamydia infection be cured by this treatment?
There is no doubt that women who are tortured by chlamydia infection for years and years are familiar with it and even hate it. Once women are affecting this disease, complications like pelvic inflammatory diseases, cervicitis and endometritis can be induced quickly, thus it is a dangerous disease that can damage women's reproductive system severely. However, its morbidity is increasing instead of reducing. Commonly, the usual treatment of chlamydia infection is antibiotics, but this treatment has so many weaknesses such as drug resistance, high relapse rate and incomplete treatment.
Why is Fuyan Pill a Better Treatment Option for Chlamydia in Women?
More and more women complain that their chlamydia infection can’t be cleared thoroughly. Untreated chlamydia infections can spread upward to the uterus and fallopian tubes (tubes that carry fertilized eggs from the ovaries to the uterus), causing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
In addition, in pregnant women, untreated chlamydia infection has been associated with pre-term delivery, and can spread to the newborn, causing an eye infection or pneumonia. Thus, untreated chlamydia infection can cause many serious problems. Women should get it treated thoroughly.
Though chlamydia can be easily treated and cured with antibiotics, Antibiotics are always with their side effects. They cannot be used for a long time and may cause damage to the kidneys and liver. It is reported by some patients that the longer they take antibiotics, the worse they feel, other than the decrease of symptoms.
Nowadays, some women with untreated chlamydia infection started to take herbal medicine named Fuyan Pill. However herbal remedies are all made by herbs or insects in the nature, they're almost as safe as foods. Some special herbs which can milden toxicity of some herbs are added inthe formula is necessary. As a result, prescribed herbal formula seldom causes any side effect. That is why Fuyan Pill could be a better treatment option for chlamydia in women.
What’s more, Fuyan Pill is made up from multiple herbs including Bupleurum falcatum L., poria cocos, radices scutellariae, Gardenia, Atractylodes ovata, etc. Among which some herbs are highly powerful in killing bacteria, virus, and all the pathogen to cause infections. With other herbs which can clear up "fire" and toxic materials, and herbs which can promote blood and Qi circulation, inflammation such as PID caused by chlamydia infection can be treated as well.
article source : http://global.fuyanpills.com/DT/Chlamydia_Infection/2013/0326/426.html
Why prostatitis can cause bloody urine to men?
The major symptoms of prostatitis is urinary tract symptoms, but one of the most important symptom is bloody urine. What is bloody urine? It is a kind of urine that has blood in it. There are two kinds of bloody urine. Frist type can be seen by eyes and the second cannot be seen by eye, but blood cells can be found under microscope. The first type is severer than the second type for there are a lot of blood in urine.
Sex guideline to prostatitis patients
According to Dr. Lee, the chief doctor from Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM clinic, prostate is an important sexual gland, so men's sexual life can be affected greatly if having problems on this gland. However, prostatitis patient also cannot say no to sex because proper sex is good for prostate, so how to have sex with partners? Here, Dr, Lee will give prostatitis patients some advises.
article source : http://prostatitisradicalcure.com/a/Prostatitis/Chronic_Prostatitis/2013/1031/1085.html
Orchitis Cured by Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill
Mr. J 33 years old Vancouver, Canada
Mr. J had been suffering from orchitis for over two years. His condition started with a sharp pain when he touched his scrotum while taking shower. Since then he always feel a bulge sensation at the testis. Pain at the left testicle "comes and goes". Later he developed slight abdominal pain.
His diagnosis from local doctor was orchitis with slight inflamed prostate and had been treated with several sorts of antibiotics.
He came across my site and contacted me about four months ago. After consultant, he started treatment with Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill.
He got no big improvement in first course treatment and felt anxious. I persuaded him to trust me and continue. After 40 days treatment, he told me that within 10 days his bulge sensation disappeared. Pain in testis and abdomen sometimes occurred.
In the middle of third course he said he hadn't felt any pain for a whole week. He was cured then, but he kept taking the pills for another two weeks (three months in total) to get a very recovery.
Article Source: http://prostatitisradicalcure.com/a/Testimonials/2011/1008/679.html